Functional Medicine Testing
More Thorough Testing
Alongside standard labs, we delve deeper with specialized Functional Medicine testing to uncover the underlying causes of your symptoms. Part of your initial appointment is dedicated to selecting the most relevant tests for your unique health situation.
- All
- Allergy
- Cardiovascular
- Digestive
- Gastrointestinal
- Hormonal
- Longevity
- Mental Health
- Metabolic
- Neurological
- Nutritional
- Reproductive
- Toxicological
About the Test
TruAge testing uses methylation markers and epigenetics to determine your biological age, disease risks, rate of aging, fitness level, and much more. Biological age is the #1 predictor of nearly all age-related diseases, so knowing this information is critical to healthy (and slowed) aging.
Appropriate / Recommended For
Patients who want precise data about optimizing their health and longevity, and who are serious about using that data to get a clear direction and quantifiable measurements for slowing their aging clock and decreasing risk of disease.
GI Effects
About the Test
The GI Effects(R) Comprehensive Stool Profile provides valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation and permeability, and the intestinal microbiome.
Appropriate / Recommended For
Patients experiencing gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, weight gain, food sensitivities, skin disorders, or unexplained digestive symptoms.
Methylation Panel
About the Test
The Methylation Panel is an innovative test designed to offer insight into the critical biochemical methylation pathway. Methylation metabolites are measured in plasma, and genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are analyzed via cheek swab.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients interested in a personalized approach to healthy aging, detoxification, psychiatric and mood disorders, cardiovascular disease/prevention, cognitive decline, and chronic fatigue.
About the Test
A blood, urine, and cheek swab test that determines the need for various antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids, and assesses toxic exposures. It also provides information about the status of various metabolic processes in the body, including mitochondrial function and methylation. As part of the NutrEval, we also test the MTHFR, COMT, and ApoE genes
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing digestive complaints, mood disorders, fatigue, metabolic disease, malabsorption, diminished athletic performance, or weight issues, or those who simply want to optimize their health and performance.
About the Test
A collected-at-home comprehensive stool test that detects microbial imbalance, microbes contributing to illness, indicators of digestion, absorption, inflammation, immune function, gluten sensitivity, and intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”).
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing digestive complaints (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), brain fog, weight gain, food sensitivities, skin problems (like acne, eczema, psoriasis), or other unexplained digestive symptoms.
Cycle Mapping
About the Test
An at-home urine test that tests the patterns of estrogen and progesterone throughout the menstrual cycle and analyzes the cortisol awakening response (adrenal function) to identify irregularities in the menstrual cycle, and provide clues about fertility.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing menstrual irregularities, infertility, bothersome menstrual symptoms, mid-cycle symptoms (spotting, headaches), or polycystic ovarian syndrome (whether diagnosed or just suspected).
DUTCH Complete
About the Test
An at-home urine test that provides a comprehensive evaluation of the body’s hormone levels (including metabolites), cortisol and other stress hormones. Useful for assessment of hormone imbalance, menopausal or perimenopausal symptoms, fertility, and sleep disorders, as well as tracking and managing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing menopausal symptoms, fatigue, weight gain, menstrual irregularities, loss of libido, insomnia, fertility challenges, changes in hair or skin, or hot flashes.
Glyphosate Test
About the Test
An at-home urine test to detect levels of the toxic herbicide glyphosate (aka Roundup) in the body. Glyphosate is used in more than 700 different products from agriculture and forestry to home use, and is known to cause DNA damage, oxidative stress, hormone disruption, and gut microbiome disruption.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing (or wanting to reduce risk of) chronic illness, fatigue, autism, ADHD, neurodegenerative conditions (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis), hormone imbalance, metabolic syndrome, bowel dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, or cancer.
GPL-TOX Profile
About the Test
An at-home urine test that assess exposure to 173 environmental pollutants, toxins and organophosphates (e.g., pesticides), which have been linked to numerous health problems. Identifying exposure to unknown chemicals in daily products, foods, and the environment is critical to preventing disease, maintaining optimal health, and slowing aging.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing fatigue, hormone disruption, autoimmune disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., ADHD, autism, OCD, behavioral issies), irritable bowel syndrome, mitochondrial dysfunction, anxiety, depression, fertility issues (or pre-conception), thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, obesity, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease.
Kryptopyrrole Test
About the Test
An at-home urine test to evaluate for pyroluria, which causes a deficiency in vitamin B6 and zinc. Pyroluria is commonly found in people with autism, ADHD, or addiction disorders.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing anxiety, depression, irritability, inability to handle stress, poor short-term memory, allergies, digestive symptoms, hormonal imbalances, joint pain/inflammation, and sleep disturbances.
MycoToxin Testing
About the Test
An at-home urine test to detect specific molds and mycotoxins.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing symptoms of mold toxicity, including fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, visual disturbances, fibromyalgia, neurologic symptoms (pain, numbness, tingling), headaches, and mood disorders.
Organic Acids Test
About the Test
An at-home urine test to evaluate energy metabolism,detoxification, intestinal bacteria balance (including yeast and clostridia overgrowth), and levels of certain vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants, and neurotransmitters.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing behavior disorders, fatigue, immune dysfunction, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or neurologic or neurodevelopmental disorders.
Urine Toxic Metals Test
About the Test
A urine test to determine levels of 20 different toxic metals (e.g., lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium) in the body. Typically collected after a chelating agent is given (usually IV, but can be oral) to determine the amount of metals in your tissues.
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing inflammation, fatigue, immune dysfunction, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, or cardiovascular disease. Also important for people with known exposure to toxic metals (e.g., people with “silver” dental fillings). We use this test to determine if you have toxic metals in your body and could benefit from chelation therapy, and also use it to monitor the progress of chelation therapy.
FIT 176 Test
About the Test
A blood test (blood draw or finger stick) to determine immune and inflammatory responses to 176 different foods. Includes indicators of gut integrity (“leaky gut”).
Appropriate / Recommended For
For patients experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms (pain, bloating, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, gas, constipation, or diarrhea), weight gain, ADHD, fatigue, depression, migraines, acne, eczema, or skin rashes.

Schedule Free 15-Min Discovery Call
Start with a complimentary 15-minute discovery call to explore how our personalized approach aligns with your health goals. During the call, we learn about you and your wellness goals while you have the opportunity to inquire about our expertise and approach to medicine.