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Stem Cell Therapy

Unlock Advanced Healing with state-of-the-art Stem Cell Therapy.
A modern therapy for your health optimization.

Wharton’s Jelly

A gelatinous tissue within the umbilical cord that contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)

Stem cell therapy through Wharton’s Jelly injections introduces young and healthy stem cells into damaged tissues.

Purified Amniotic Fluid

From the fluid that surrounds the fetus in the womb and contains exosomes and over 300 biologically active healing factors

Stem cell therapy using injections of purified amniotic fluid can provide your body with anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Used in combination with Stem Cell Therapy

PRP injections utilize concentrated platelets from your own blood. These platelets contain growth factors and other beneficial components that stimulate your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Treatment Benefits

Stem Cell Therapy provides the body the opportunity and environment to heal itself without the use of other medications or surgery. This regenerative treatment offers a number of benefits including tissue regeneration, reduction of pain and inflammation, immune regulation, and longevity. 

Unlock the potential of modern medicine to revitalize and repair your body, enhancing overall well-being.

Stem cells have the unique ability to replace damaged tissues, which is beneficial for conditions such as injury or degeneration in joints, tendons, and ligaments.

Experience the power of Stem Cell Therapy in reducing inflammation and promoting tissue regeneration.

Stem cells, particularly mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), can significantly reduce inflammation in the body. It can help decrease inflammation and repair soft tissue, thereby reducing pain and promoting natural healing.

Harness the unique ability of Stem Cell Therapy to modulate and regulate your immune system.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the ability to modulate the inflammatory response without a long-term presence in the body, leading to extended beneficial effects on reducing inflammation.

Avoid certain surgeries and their associated risks by promoting natural healing and regeneration.

Post-injury issues can be challenging, and surgery isn’t always the preferred solution due to recovery time and potential risks.

Utilize Stem Cell Therapy to promote healthy aging and optimize longevity by preventing and aiding in the treatment of cardiovascular, neurological, metabolic, and immune diseases.

    From Consultation to Healing

    Stem Cell and Complementary
    Therapies Explained

    Dive deeper into the world of regenerative medicine with our informative video. Joya Van Der Laan, our Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner, explains how we use Wharton’s jelly (umbilical cord tissue) and purified amniotic fluid in treatments designed to support your body’s natural healing process.

    • Stem Cell Source – Our stem cells are responsibly obtained from healthy births, ensuring safety and ethical integrity.

    • Initial Consult – We take the time to thoroughly understand your medical history, review or order imaging,  and current health to craft a care plan just for you.

    • Injection Appointment – Receive ultrasound-guided injection(s), which have been carefully selected to address your specific needs.

    • Healing and Post-Care – We stay connected with you through recovery, offering ongoing care and additional treatments if needed for optimized healing.

    Combining Stem Cell Therapy +
    Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

    Both of these regenerative treatments can be used on their own. However, in treating more severe or chronic conditions, combining PRP with Stem Cell Therapy provides more powerful healing.

    • PRP can be injected into joints, muscles, and other soft tissues.

    • Stem cell products (either amniotic fluid or umbilical cord cells) can be injected into the same areas, and have more powerful healing, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating effects as compared to PRP alone.

    • Purified amniotic fluid can also be infused intravenously (IV) for more systemic effects to address things like autoimmunity and neurologic conditions.



    What do the stem cells do?

    Stem cells – also known as MSCs (medicinal signaling cells), are powerful signalers – they call all the body’s healing resources to the site of injection to heal tissues. They also are powerfully anti-inflammatory, and a non-inflamed joint/tissue is going to be much more likely to heal quickly and fully. They also are immune modulating, which means that the immune system gets regulated and adjusted perfectly to allow healing in the area of injection.

    How many injections might I need?

    Many patients achieve complete healing through a single injection. Other patients (usually with more severe or chronic issues) may do best by receiving 2-3 PRP injections before receiving the stem cell product.

    How long does it take to work?

    Typically, the full extent of healing takes place within six months, but many patients begin feeling partial improvement within a few days to a few weeks.

    Can I get another injection if the first one isn’t fully effective?

    Yes – as long as you’re seeing benefit from the injections, we can do “booster” doses or “top-ups.” While there are exceptions, more severe or longstanding issues increase the possibility that more than one injection would be advisable to address the problem as fully as possible.

    What is PRP?

    This procedure involves taking blood from the patient (a simple blood draw into a specialized tube), spinning the blood in a centrifuge at the treatment location, and then immediately using the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from that blood to inject into the affected area(s).

    What does Stem Cell Therapy Cost?

    Treatment plans are individualized, so costs will vary. To give you a sense of costs, here are a few examples

    “John,” a 56-year-old, tore his meniscus and had moderate knee joint arthritis. His treatment plan included one Wharton’s Jelly injection. His total cost was $4600.

    “Lori,” a 37 year old, had a torn labrum and some rotator cuff tendinitis in her shoulder. Her treatment plan included weekly PRP injections into the rotator cuff areas x 3, plus Wharton’s Jelly injection into the shoulder joint for the labrum. Her total cost was $6100.

    “Rachel,” a 48 year old with painful rheumatoid arthritis received an IV infusion of purified amniotic fluid and supportive IV nutrients to reduce pain and inflammation, and modulate immune reactivity. Her total cost was $8500.


    Patient Success Story

    Pain Management

    Challenge: A 79-year-old diabetic smoker suffered from severe lower back and nerve pain in her legs, compounded by multiple amputations and insufficient pain relief from medications.

    Solution/Success: An IV infusion of purified amniotic fluid led to a dramatic decrease in pain within 24 hours. The patient’s energy levels improved, enabling her to be more active at home and run errands. Circulation to her hands and feet was improved, and she was able to decrease her pain medication dosing by 50%.


    Getting Started

    Explore Your Options: Free 15-Minute Discovery Call

    Get to know more about the potential of Stem Cell Therapy and PRP treatment in a complimentary 15-minute call. We’re here to give detailed insights and address your questions, and make sure we understand if regenerative therapy is right for you.

    Personalized Care Plan: Schedule Your Stem Cell Consultation

    This can be booked during the discovery call or separately through this link. Our experienced practitioners will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

    The consultation fee is $100, which will be applied to the cost of any Stem Cell Therapy or PRP treatment you receive.

    Your Path to Healing: Book Your Treatment

    Once we’ve shaped your treatment plan, we’ll schedule your therapy at your earliest convenience, with most appointments set within a few weeks after your consultation.

    Ethical & Quality Assurance

    At Nourish House Calls, transparency is a pillar of our practice, ensuring you know the source of your treatments and injectable products.


    Stem Cells From Healthy Cesareans

    We prioritize ethical practices in our Stem Cell Therapy. Our cells are sourced only from healthy, voluntary donors at Cesarean sections. The mothers are willing donors, and both mother and baby are healthy.

    FDA Inspected

    Rigorous Lab Safety

    The lab we work with invites the FDA to inspect multiple times a year. They are consistently passing rigorous FDA inspections for your safety and peace of mind (Note: This is above and beyond a standard audit).