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Functional Medicine House Calls: Personalized Care at Your Doorstep

January 6, 2018

Have you ever added up the time it takes out of your day to go to a medical visit, between driving there and back, waiting in the waiting room, and waiting in the exam room? Ever feel like at least some of that is a waste of your time?

Have you been frustrated by having to take a whole morning or afternoon off of work in order to see the provider for just a few minutes?

Have you felt overwhelmed by having to book appointments around your childcare arrangements or had to take kids to a medical visit with you?

Do you ever leave a medical visit wishing that you could have asked more questions, had longer discussions about your disease or treatment options, or wished that your provider gave you more than just another prescription to take?

The Time-Saving Benefits of House Call Medical Practices

These frustrations are why many patients are seeking out a functional medicine house call practice.

Making house calls means your provider comes to you, wherever you are – your home, place of work, or even somewhere else like a quiet coffee shop. Your entire appointment time is spent with your provider, rather than spending time waiting in a waiting room or in traffic. Since insurance is not involved, your provider has the time to dedicate to working with you, listening to your concerns, and talking about treatment options that include more than just another prescription. This is difficult in an insurance model, since the provider is forced to see a much higher volume of patients per hour. The goal of functional medicine is to help identify the root causes of disease and offer targeted, personalized treatments that work for you. The entire time you spend with your provider is productive – no more waiting around.

Overcoming Healthcare Challenges with Home Visits

Do you have kids at home who are hard to take with you to medical appointments? House calls can make your life easier! Your provider can come to your home while your kids are napping, playing, or watching a TV show, so that you can focus on your concerns for the entire appointment time.

If your child is the patient, wouldn’t it be nice to have them seen in the comfort of their own home environment (by someone not wearing a scary white lab coat), decreasing anxiety about the visit, and increasing their ability to cooperate and have a positive experience? As a busy mom myself, I can focus and work effectively even with a host of distractions around me, so don’t worry about siblings interrupting or whatever other chaos is going on in your home.

The Advantages of In-Home Health Consultations

House calls offer a personalized, in-depth look at your health and lifestyle. You will spend your allotted time with your provider talking, learning, and having your questions answered. Coming up with a medication and lifestyle plan that is effective and will fit into your lifestyle is important to the success of your treatment and progress toward wellness. Getting well takes time and education, which is more easily offered in a house-call practice that isn’t confined by insurance rules.

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