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Stem Cell Therapy in the United States

August 16, 2024

Stem Cell Therapy is revolutionizing the field of regenerative medicine, offering innovative solutions for a variety of health issues, particularly those involving chronic pain, joint injuries, and autoimmune conditions. This therapy harnesses the body’s natural healing mechanisms, using products derived from umbilical cord tissue and blood that are rich in healing substances. Unlike traditional methods, these treatments don’t involve the direct injection of stem cells but instead use special products like Wharton’s Jelly and NanoXsomes to promote tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and support overall wellness.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the science behind Stem Cell Therapy, its potential benefits, and how it can be used to treat various conditions. We’ll also discuss the ethical considerations, complementary treatments, and different options available in the U.S. and abroad. Whether you’re considering this therapy for chronic pain, injury recovery, or healthy aging, this guide will provide you with the essential information needed to make an informed decision.

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem Cell Therapy is an exciting treatment that helps the body heal and repair itself. It’s a type of regenerative medicine, which means it uses natural processes to restore health. This therapy can be used for a variety of conditions, especially those involving joints, muscles, and tissues.

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work?

Stem Cell Therapy

Even though it’s called “Stem Cell Therapy,” the treatments we discuss here don’t involve injecting actual stem cells into your body. Instead, they use special products that come from umbilical cord tissue and blood, which are rich in substances that support healing. These products include:

  • Wharton’s Jelly for joint injections.
  • NanoXsomes for infusions.

These products contain growth factors and other helpful elements that guide your body to repair damaged tissues.

Here’s how it works:

  • Support healing: The substances in these products signal your body to start repairing and renewing tissues.
  • Reduce inflammation: They help calm down inflammation, which can reduce pain and swelling.
  • Promote new growth: They encourage the growth of healthy new cells in the affected area.

This way, your body can heal more effectively and naturally.

What is Wharton’s Jelly?

Wharton’s Jelly is a gel-like substance found in the umbilical cord. It’s rich in important growth factors, proteins, and other elements that help protect and support the body’s cells. When used in joint injections, Wharton’s Jelly can:

  • Lubricate and cushion joints: Helps reduce pain and stiffness by improving joint function.
  • Encourage tissue repair: Supports the natural repair processes of cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
  • Reduce inflammation: Helps calm inflamed areas, providing relief from discomfort.

What are NanoXsomes?

NanoXsomes are tiny, powerful particles derived from umbilical cord blood. They are packed with growth factors and other healing substances that help the body repair itself. NanoXsomes are used in infusions to:

  • Deliver healing signals: They send messages to the body’s cells, telling them to start the repair process.
  • Reduce inflammation: Help bring down swelling and pain throughout the body.
  • Enhance overall wellness: Promote the regeneration of tissues and support general health.

These treatments can be an excellent option for those looking to reduce pain, improve mobility, and support their body’s natural healing abilities.

Conditions that Can Benefit from Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy can be a powerful option for those dealing with a variety of health issues. It’s especially helpful for conditions that involve pain, inflammation, and tissue damage. Below are some of the key conditions that might benefit from this treatment.

Chronic Joint Pain

Chronic joint pain is persistent pain that affects the joints, making it difficult to move and perform daily activities. This pain can be caused by wear and tear, injury, or inflammation. Stem Cell Therapy can help reduce pain and improve joint function.

Conditions that may benefit include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Chronic knee pain
  • Chronic hip pain
  • Persistent shoulder pain

Degenerative Joint Conditions

Degenerative joint conditions involve the gradual breakdown of cartilage and other joint tissues. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility over time. Stem Cell Therapy can support the repair of damaged tissues and slow the progression of these conditions.

Conditions that may benefit include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis)
  • Chondromalacia patellae (cartilage softening in the knee)
  • Hip dysplasia (malformation of the hip joint)
Stem Cell Therapy

Joint Injuries

Joint injuries can result from accidents, overuse, or sports activities. These injuries often involve damage to cartilage, ligaments, or tendons. Stem Cell Therapy can accelerate healing and reduce the long-term impact of these injuries.

Conditions that may benefit include:

  • Meniscus tears in the knee
  • Rotator cuff tears in the shoulder
  • Labral tears in the hip or shoulder
  • Cartilage damage from sports injuries
  • Post-traumatic arthritis

Ligament and Tendon Injuries

Ligament and tendon injuries are common in both athletes and non-athletes. These injuries can cause significant pain and limit movement. Stem Cell Therapy can help repair the damaged tissues, restoring strength and flexibility.

Conditions that may benefit include:

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)
  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears
  • Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee)
  • Meniscus tears in the knee

Autoimmune and Inflammatory Conditions

Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues. This can lead to widespread inflammation, pain, and damage to various organs and tissues. Stem Cell Therapy can help modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation.

Conditions that may benefit include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Psoriatic arthritis

Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, and autoimmune conditions. Stem Cell Therapy can stimulate hair follicles and promote the growth of new hair.

Conditions that may benefit include:

  • Androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness)
  • Alopecia areata (autoimmune hair loss)
  • Telogen effluvium (stress-induced hair loss)
  • Traction alopecia (hair loss from tight hairstyles)
  • Hair thinning due to aging

Stem Cell Therapy offers a promising approach to managing these conditions by supporting the body’s natural healing processes and promoting tissue regeneration.

Potential Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy offers a wide range of benefits that can help improve overall health and well-being. It works by supporting the body’s natural healing processes, which can lead to faster recovery and better long-term outcomes. Below are some of the key benefits of this innovative treatment.

Tissue Regeneration

Stem Cell Therapy is particularly effective at promoting tissue regeneration. It helps the body repair and rebuild damaged tissues, which can restore function and reduce pain.

  • Supports the repair of cartilage, tendons, and ligaments
  • Helps regenerate damaged skin and muscle tissue
  • Promotes the growth of new, healthy cells in injured areas
  • Can improve the function of organs by repairing damaged tissues

Injury Recovery

Recovering from an injury can be a long and challenging process. Stem Cell Therapy can speed up this process by helping the body heal more efficiently and effectively.

  • Accelerates healing of joint injuries, such as meniscus or rotator cuff tears
  • Reduces recovery time after sports-related injuries
  • Helps prevent long-term damage by promoting early tissue repair
  • Can lessen the severity of post-injury inflammation and pain
  • Can be an alternative option to surgery, avoiding myriad surgical risks

Modulate and Regulate Immune System

Stem Cell Therapy can help balance the immune system, which is crucial for managing autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. It can reduce the harmful effects of an overactive immune response.

  • Helps regulate the immune system to prevent it from attacking healthy tissues
  • Reduces the symptoms of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
  • Lowers the risk of chronic inflammation, which can lead to further health issues
  • Supports overall immune health, making the body more resilient to illness

Create Ideal Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural part of the healing process, but too much or too little can be harmful. Stem Cell Therapy helps create the ideal level and type of inflammation, allowing the body to heal without causing unnecessary damage.

  • Reduces excessive inflammation that can cause pain and tissue damage
  • Encourages the right amount of inflammation needed for healing
  • Helps manage chronic inflammatory conditions, reducing flare-ups
  • Supports quicker recovery by promoting a balanced inflammatory response

Avoidance of Surgery

For many people, surgery is a last resort due to the risks and long recovery times. Stem Cell Therapy offers a non-invasive alternative that can help avoid the need for surgical intervention.

  • Can reduce pain and improve function without the need for surgery
  • Helps repair damaged tissues naturally, eliminating the need for invasive procedures
  • Lowers the risk of complications associated with surgery
  • Allows for quicker recovery and less downtime compared to surgical options

Promote Healthy Aging and Optimize Longevity

Stem Cell Therapy is not just about treating specific conditions; it’s also about promoting overall health and longevity. By supporting the body’s natural healing processes, it can help you age more gracefully and maintain a higher quality of life.

  • Supports the repair and renewal of aging tissues
  • Helps maintain joint and muscle function as you age
  • Reduces the impact of age-related conditions, such as osteoarthritis
  • Promotes overall wellness, helping you stay active and healthy longer

Stem Cell Therapy offers a range of benefits that can enhance your quality of life, whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or looking to promote healthy aging.

Active Components in Stem Cell Therapy Products

Stem Cell Therapy products contain several key components that work together to promote healing, tissue regeneration, and overall health. These active ingredients play vital roles in the effectiveness of the therapy. Below are the primary components found in these products.


Exosomes are tiny, powerful particles that play a crucial role in Stem Cell Therapy. They are responsible for sending signals to your body, helping it to heal and repair itself.

  • Stimulate stem cell production: Exosomes encourage your body to produce many more of its own stem cells, which helps repair damaged tissues.
  • Regulate the immune system: Exosomes can either up-regulate or down-regulate the immune response, creating the ideal environment for healing.
  • Support overall healing: By directing the body’s natural processes, exosomes ensure that healing occurs where it is most needed.


Cytokines are small proteins that act as messengers in the body, playing a key role in the immune response and inflammation.

  • Increase short-term inflammation: Cytokines cause a slight increase in inflammation, which is essential for signaling the body to send more healing factors to injured areas.
  • Promote focused healing: By drawing attention to areas that need repair, cytokines help concentrate the body’s healing efforts.
  • Assist in tissue repair: They help to manage the body’s response, ensuring that healing is effective and targeted.

Growth Factors

Growth factors are proteins that are vital for stimulating tissue regeneration and healing.

  • Stimulate tissue regeneration: Growth factors encourage the growth of new, healthy tissues in damaged areas, which is crucial for recovery.
  • Enhance repair processes: They support the body’s natural ability to repair itself, making sure that tissues heal properly and efficiently.
  • Improve overall outcomes: By promoting regeneration, growth factors help reduce pain, improve function, and speed up recovery.

Building Block Proteins

Building block proteins, such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, are essential for maintaining the structure and function of tissues, especially in the joints.

  • Aid in tissue regeneration: These proteins provide the necessary materials for building new, healthy tissues.
  • Cushion and protect joints: Collagen and hyaluronic acid help to cushion joints, reducing pain and improving mobility.
  • More prominent in Wharton’s Jelly: Wharton’s Jelly contains a higher concentration of these building block proteins compared to NanoXsomes, making it particularly effective for joint injections.

These active components work together to make Stem Cell Therapy a powerful tool for healing and regeneration. Whether it’s stimulating your body’s own stem cells, regulating the immune system, or providing the building blocks for new tissues, each component plays a critical role in the effectiveness of the therapy.

Complementary Treatments to Enhance Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy can be even more effective when combined with complementary treatments that support healing and overall health. These treatments work together with Stem Cell Therapy to maximize results and improve your quality of life. Below are some of the key complementary treatments that can enhance the benefits of Stem Cell Therapy.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a hands-on approach that helps restore movement, strength, and function. It’s an excellent complement to Stem Cell Therapy, especially for those recovering from injuries or managing chronic conditions.

  • Improves mobility: Physical therapy helps you regain range of motion and flexibility.
  • Strengthens muscles: Exercises and techniques build muscle strength, supporting joints and reducing pain.
  • Enhances recovery: Physical therapy speeds up recovery by working alongside Stem Cell Therapy to restore function.
  • Prevents future injury: Helps you learn how to move safely and effectively to avoid further injury.


Chiropractic care focuses on the alignment of the spine and joints, which can have a big impact on overall health. It’s a natural fit with Stem Cell Therapy, as it helps the body maintain balance and function.

  • Improves joint function: Chiropractic adjustments can help align the joints, making Stem Cell Therapy more effective.
  • Reduces pain: By relieving pressure on nerves and correcting misalignments, chiropractic care can reduce pain and discomfort.
  • Supports healing: Proper alignment allows the body to heal more efficiently, complementing the effects of Stem Cell Therapy.
  • Enhances overall well-being: Chiropractic care promotes a balanced, healthy body, which is essential for optimal healing.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy involves using your own blood to promote healing. When combined with Stem Cell Therapy, PRP can enhance tissue regeneration and repair.

  • Boosts healing: PRP contains growth factors that can accelerate the healing process when used alongside Stem Cell Therapy.
  • Promotes tissue regeneration: The growth factors in PRP support the regeneration of damaged tissues, working in tandem with Stem Cell Therapy.
  • Reduces inflammation: PRP can help manage inflammation, making the healing process smoother and more effective.
  • Enhances outcomes: The combination of PRP and Stem Cell Therapy often leads to better, faster results.
Stem Cell Therapy

Hormone Optimization

Hormones play a critical role in overall health and well-being. Optimizing your hormone levels can support the effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy, particularly in terms of tissue regeneration and recovery.

  • Supports tissue repair: Balanced hormones are essential for proper tissue regeneration and healing.
  • Improves energy and vitality: Hormone optimization can boost energy levels, making recovery from Stem Cell Therapy more effective.
  • Enhances overall health: Proper hormone levels support immune function, muscle strength, muscle and joint pain, and overall wellness, all of which complement Stem Cell Therapy.
  • Balances mood and stress: Hormone optimization can improve mental well-being, which is important for the healing process.

Lifestyle Optimization

A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of any successful treatment plan. Optimizing your lifestyle can greatly enhance the benefits of Stem Cell Therapy and support long-term health.

  • Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for tissue repair and overall recovery. It helps the body heal and rejuvenate, making Stem Cell Therapy more effective.
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients for tissue regeneration and immune support. Eating well supports the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Stress Management: Managing stress is important for maintaining a healthy immune system and promoting healing. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can enhance recovery.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity supports muscle strength, joint function, and overall health. Exercise helps maintain the benefits of Stem Cell Therapy by keeping the body strong and flexible.

Combining these complementary treatments with Stem Cell Therapy can lead to better outcomes, faster recovery, and improved overall health. Each of these treatments plays a unique role in supporting the body’s healing process, making Stem Cell Therapy even more effective.

Ethics of Stem Cell Therapy

At Nourish House Calls, we prioritize the ethical sourcing and safety of the products we use for Stem Cell Therapy. We believe that providing safe, effective, and ethically sound treatments is essential for maintaining the trust and well-being of our patients. Below are the key ethical considerations that guide our practice.

Sourcing of Products

The Stem Cell Therapy products used by Nourish House Calls are sourced in a manner that is both ethical and respectful.

  • Healthy births: All of our products come from healthy births. These are carefully monitored to ensure the highest quality and safety.
  • Willing donations: The mothers who provide these materials do so willingly. They understand the process and choose to donate, knowing their contributions can help others heal and regain their health.
  • Respectful practices: We ensure that every step of the sourcing process is conducted with respect and care for both the donors and the recipients.

FDA Oversight and Lab Safety

Safety and regulatory compliance are top priorities at Nourish House Calls. We use only products that meet strict safety standards and are subject to regular oversight.

  • FDA-approved labs: All of our Stem Cell Therapy products come from laboratories that are inspected and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Regular inspections: These labs undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet the highest standards of safety and quality.
  • Strict protocols: The products are produced under strict protocols that guarantee their purity, potency, and safety for use in Stem Cell Therapy.
  • Patient safety: By using products from FDA-approved labs, we ensure that our patients receive the safest and most effective treatments available.

At Nourish House Calls, we are committed to providing Stem Cell Therapy that is both effective and ethically responsible. Our rigorous sourcing and safety standards ensure that you can trust the care you receive.

Other Stem Cell Therapy Options in the U.S.

In addition to the stem cell therapies offered at Nourish House Calls, there are several other options available in the U.S. These therapies use different sources of stem cells and have their own unique characteristics. Below is an overview of two common types of Stem Cell Therapy and their associated risks and downsides.

Bone-Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy

Bone-marrow-derived Stem Cell Therapy involves harvesting stem cells from a patient’s bone marrow, typically from the hip or pelvis. These stem cells are then processed and injected into the area needing treatment.

  • Procedure: Stem cells are extracted from the bone marrow using a needle inserted into the hip or pelvis. The process is minimally invasive but can be quite painful, often requiring sedation.
  • Uses: Often used for joint and cartilage repair, as well as for various orthopedic and degenerative conditions.
  • Processing: The extracted stem cells are processed and concentrated before being reintroduced into the patient’s body.

Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Therapy

Adipose-derived Stem Cell Therapy uses stem cells obtained from the patient’s own fat tissue. This fat is typically harvested from areas such as the abdomen or thighs using liposuction.

  • Procedure: Fat is removed through a liposuction procedure. The stem cells are then isolated from the fat and prepared for injection into the treatment area.
  • Uses: Commonly used for joint repair, tissue regeneration, and cosmetic treatments.
  • Processing: The stem cells are processed and concentrated before being injected into the affected area.

Downsides and Risks of These Options

While bone-marrow-derived and adipose-derived stem cell therapies can be effective, they come with certain risks and downsides.

  • Older Stem Cells: The stem cells from these sources are often older, which can reduce their effectiveness compared to newer, more vibrant stem cells used in other therapies.
  • Trauma of Extraction: The extraction process can cause trauma to the body, leading to inflammation. This inflammation may sometimes make the healing factors target the extraction site instead of the desired treatment area.
  • Pain: Both procedures involve some level of discomfort or pain. Bone marrow extraction can be particularly painful, while liposuction can cause soreness and bruising.
  • Risk of Infection: The extraction procedures carry a risk of infection. Bone marrow aspiration and liposuction are invasive and can introduce bacteria if not performed under strict sterile conditions.

These alternative stem cell therapies have their place in treating various conditions, but they also come with considerations and potential risks. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision about the best Stem Cell Therapy option for your needs.

Stem Cell Therapy Outside the U.S.

Stem Cell Therapy is a rapidly evolving field, and different countries have varying regulations and practices regarding its use. Outside the U.S., some therapies offer additional techniques, such as expanding or multiplying stem cells before treatment. Below, we explore how these practices differ from those in the U.S. and discuss the potential downsides and risks of seeking Stem Cell Therapy abroad.

Expansion of Extracted Stem Cells

In the U.S., regulations restrict the expansion or multiplication of extracted stem cells. This means that the stem cells used in treatments must be from the original sample, without being increased in number before use. However, in some other countries, it is common to expand stem cells in the lab to create a larger quantity before reintroducing them into the patient’s body.

  • Expansion Techniques: Outside the U.S., stem cells can be multiplied in a laboratory setting to increase their number. This can potentially enhance the effectiveness of the therapy by providing a higher concentration of stem cells.
  • Application: Expanded stem cells are often used in more advanced or experimental treatments, aiming to improve outcomes for a variety of conditions.

Downsides and Risks of Stem Cell Therapy Outside the United States

While Stem Cell Therapy abroad may offer additional options, there are several considerations and risks associated with seeking treatment outside the U.S.

  • Time and Expense of Travel: Traveling internationally for Stem Cell Therapy involves significant time and expense. Patients must consider the cost of flights, accommodations, and extended stays, which can add up.
  • Higher Cost of Procedures: Treatments abroad can be more expensive, even when excluding travel costs. Prices for stem cell therapies in other countries may be higher due to the specialized techniques and facilities.
  • No U.S. Oversight: Stem cell therapies performed outside the U.S. may not be subject to the same rigorous oversight and regulations as those within the country. This lack of oversight can increase the risk of receiving substandard or unsafe treatments.
  • Risks Similar to Other Options: Many of the risks associated with Stem Cell Therapy in the U.S. are also relevant abroad, including:
    • Older Stem Cells: Stem cells used in some foreign clinics may be older, potentially reducing their effectiveness.
    • Trauma of Extraction: The extraction process can still cause trauma and inflammation, impacting the efficacy of the therapy.
    • Pain: Invasive procedures may cause discomfort or pain, similar to what is experienced in the U.S.
    • Risk of Infection: The risk of infection from extraction procedures is present wherever the procedure is performed, particularly if the facility does not adhere to strict sterilization protocols.

Seeking Stem Cell Therapy outside the U.S. can offer additional options and techniques but comes with its own set of challenges and risks. Patients should thoroughly research and consider these factors before pursuing treatment abroad.

Stem Cell Therapy Process at Nourish House Calls

At Nourish House Calls, we’re with you every step of the way as we work together to resolve the conditions mentioned above. Here’s a look at our process:

  • Discovery Call: We offer a free 15-minute discovery call to discuss your issues, get to know one another, and decide together whether this will be a good fit.
  • Initial Consultation: Meet with Joya and go over the details of what your issue(s) are/is and determine what the best treatment plan is for your individual case. This may include regenerative treatments, and will also likely involve recommendations on how you can make the treatment most effective by modifying diet, hormones, sleep, movement, nutritional deficiencies. 
  • Injection of Infusion Appointment: This is where you will receive the actual treatment, along with a laser treatment and nutritional IV to further enhance the effects.
  • Follow-Up as Necessary: We typically follow up, at least by phone or text, because we love our patients and want to make sure they’re well taken-care of. And because we love hearing the successes! Occasionally another injection may be needed, but very often only one injection is all it takes to promote healing and decrease or eliminate pain. 

Nourish House Calls provides Functional and Regenerative Medicine services to patients in Illinois, Florida, Arizona, Oregon, New Hampshire, and Vermont. In-person house calls are available in Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills, Westmont, Downers Grove, Oak Brook, Oakbrook Terrace, La Grange, Western Springs, Burr Ridge, and surrounding areas. Telemedicine is available both inside and outside of Illinois, including Chicago, Miami, Sarasota, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Phoenix, and Portland.

If you would like to learn more about how Nourish House Calls can help resolve the root causes of any of the conditions discussed above, click here to schedule a free, 15-minute discovery call.

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